Thursday, October 2, 2008

Winning To Lose

All of us want to succeed in life. We want to be winners instead of losers, as we should be. In order for us not to be winners we have to see ourselves as less than, and we are not. This whole thing has to do with how we get where we want to go. If you trample over everybody in your way to get to the top, you will have a lot of bumps to hit on the way down.

If what you endeavor brings hurt, harm or danger to others, you are the loser. If you get what you want and you fail to give back, you are the loser. If you have no humility and grace about the blessings you have, you are the loser. If you feel like you are better than because you've "made it", you are the loser.

You are a winner when you can turn in every night and know some body's life is better because you lived today. You are a winner not because you are rich financially, but because you are rich in love, humility, and grace. You are a winner when your spirit is in keeping with that of your Creator.

For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul Mark8:36

So for those that think they are winners when they have gained their success and riches in the wrong way, it's your soul that is in jeopardy, no one else. A man's soul is his connection to God, so when that connection is lost, so are you.

-Jet Setter B

1 comment:

jmariangela said...

Very enlightening and deep. From your number one fan!