I ran across an article in the USA Today talking about what the best age is to get married. It discusses pros and cons of getting married early vs. getting married later and cites several studies. The avg. age that men and women get married at has been rising for decades Here is an excerpt from the article:
"Others are also holding off while maintaining a single-but-together status that can last years. That may be one reason the age at first marriage has been climbing steadily for all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups. The median age is now the oldest since the U.S. Census started keeping track in the 1890s: almost 26 for women and almost 28 for men.
And as young people wait longer to marry, there is growing debate over whether waiting is a good idea, and if so, how long is best. Those who advocate marriage in the early to mid-20s say that’s the age when the pool of possible mates is larger, it’s when couples can “grow up” together and it’s prime for childbearing. But others favor the late 20s or early 30s, saying maturity makes for happier unions and greater economic security — both of which make divorce less likely."
If single, at what age, if any, do you hope you’ll marry and why then? If married, how old were you when you wed and do you think you were too young, too old? How many years should two people know each other before marrying?
You're funny. Nervous?
Good post Mr. Jet Setter. As a single, young and focused 26 year old female, trust me marriage is on the brain. I know that I only want to do it once so if that means I have to wait for Mr. Right then so be it. I would love to be married by the time I am 30. That way I wont be super old when my kids are young. Note.. I plan on being married for at least 2 years before getting pregnant. (A whole nother topic) So anyways I have 4 years to find that perfect guy so I cant comment on your blog any longer. Off to find my boo.. holla.
Just kidding. I KNOW you're not nervous.
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