If your man is acting like he no longer loves you and you have noticed that his behavior toward has drastically changed, chances are that he may be falling out of love with you. And if that is the case, don't try to get him to do what he does not want to do -- like staying in a relationship with.
If you have told him that you don't like the way he is treating you and he does not appear to be interested in changing his ways, then your man probably wants to move on. If that is what he wants, let him move on so that you can make room for a man that will derive joy in fulfilling your heart 's romantic desires.
1. He has stopped calling you the endearing names he once called you -- sweetie, honey, darling, baby, boo, etc.
2. He complains when you try to be affectionate to him. If you are sitting on the coach and you try to massage his neck or back, he tells you to stop because he is uncomfortable, or just wants you to give him some elbow room.
3. He tells you mean things that hurt your feeling in the name of trying to tell you the truth. For example, he will tell you that you are overweight and that you should try to lose weight.
4. He flirts with other girls right in your presence, and when you complain he tells you to do something about it if you don't like how he is behaving.
5. He no longer tells you about how his day went. He does not talk to you as much as he used to in the past.
6. He goes out with his friends on weekends and never bothers to invite you.
7. He suddenly starts calling you another woman 's name -- probably the woman he is now involved with -- and does not apologize to you.
8. He stays out late and does not bother to explain to you where he has gone and why his coming home late.
9. He gets very angry when you accuse him of having an affair. He gets very defensive and starts shouting at you.
10. He never seems to understand why you are complaining that his behavior toward you has changed.
One of the most obvious signs he is not into you anymore involves intimacy. If your boyfriend suddenly seems less interested in sex you should be alarmed. One of the most common beliefs when a man loses interest in making love is that he's having an affair. This isn't always the case. Sometimes the man simply loses the emotional connection he felt with his partner and this in itself results in him finding her less desirable. If you two are constantly bickering about things and the relationship is beginning to show signs of cracks, it's going to impact your sex life too.
Another of the signs that he is not into you anymore is that he is constantly coming up with excuses for why he can't spend time with you. If you two regularly spent evenings and weekends together and now he says he needs to work or he has things to do, that should be a red flag. If a man is crazy about you he'll do whatever it takes to spend time with you. If you are hearing a lot of excuses and you two just aren't together as much as you once were, his feelings have likely shifted.
Men who are losing interest will often have a change of demeanor when they are with you. If he used to be loving and attentive and now he barely pays attention to you, something is amiss. This is one of the signs he is not into you anymore that tends to be gradual. You may not notice it right away but over time you start to notice that he's rude when speaking to you or there are times where he outright ignores you. If this is happening you need to pay attention to it and not just shrug it off. It's a real sign that the relationship is heading towards a break up.
Most women have experienced a man who acts distant from time to time. Sometimes if a man has a lot on his mind he'll seem extra quiet and less willing to share. If this is a continual behavior issue with the man in your life it may be one of the signs he is not into you. Men sometimes retreat back into themselves emotionally when they just aren't as in love as they once were.
Unfortunately, men sometimes do fall out of love. Specific things you say and do can make the man you love feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more informative tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall and stay deeply in love with you.
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