Friday, December 5, 2008

5 Great Traits That Make Up A Great Girlfriend

I have a confession to make.

As a guy, playing the field can be a lot of fun. The unbalanced male-to-female ratio plays a huge role in such a mindset. But as maturity sets in, real men begin to realize that fooling around has its moments, but nothing can surpass the joys of being in a serious relationship.

Let me rephrase that…

Nothing can surpass being in a serious relationship with a great girlfriend like I am with now. So I began to wonder…exactly what is it that makes someone a great girlfriend? Besides possessing the obvious attributes of being faithful and honest I’ve come up with the 5 Key Traits Of A Great Girlfriend.

#5- She’s Independent

This trait gets a tremendous amount of negative publicity from some single women. Apparently there’s a widespread misconception that most men don’t want an independent woman. That’s more off base than the time Jessica Simpson thought The Gap Band was an alternative to getting braces.
A real man appreciates when his girlfriend has her own personality and opinions, and can stand on her own both financially and emotionally. That’s a true turn-on, as the relationship begins to feel much more like an equal partnership.

(Note: Embrace your independence, but don’t use it as a badge of honor….that’s when it stops being a positive trait.)

#4- She’s Intelligent

Having someone that’s beautiful but dumb gets old pretty fast. That’s why it’s great to have a girlfriend that can meet you on an intellectual level. Her wit and intellect keep you on your toes, and deepens your attraction past the physical realm—making it another quality of a great girlfriend.

#3- She Allows You To Be A Man

This isn’t sexist at all. A great girlfriend understands that men and women are intrinsically different, and allows you to be who you are…a man. Which means she won’t force you to start using pink and lavender toilet paper, or sit through a “Desperate Housewives” marathon with her. A great girlfriend also doesn’t get bent out of shape if you try to do “guy things” like watch the game or occasionally hang out with your friends.

#2- She Loves You

On the surface, such a trait would seem like a given. But allow me to dig a little deeper beyond the surface. A great girlfriend loves her man…flaws and all. To her, it’s okay that he isn’t the best dresser; or that his jokes fall flatter than Arsenio Hall’s career. She just loves him for him, and takes the time to show him how much she appreciates him each day.

#1- She Makes You Strive To Better Yourself

This may be my favorite one of all. A great girlfriend inspires you to improve yourself without even saying anything. Just being around her makes you want to better yourself. Suddenly you begin to get your finances in order, you start treating people better, and you even clip your toenails on the regular. It’s all because of your great girlfriend. She just has that kind of effect on you.

The Fly Guy Moral: So there’s my list. If you’re current girlfriend possesses those traits, then I’d say you were in great shape. If she doesn’t…well, I’d suggest a little prayer is in order.

Monday, November 24, 2008

How to make long distance work

Listen; there are times when our career or our general pursuit of happiness forces us to change locations. If you’re involved with someone when this happens, then you’ll likely need a few Fly Guy tools to ensure your relationship’s survival. That’s why I’ve decided to equip you with 5 Essential Keys to Maintaining a Successful Long-Distance Relationship. If you apply these to your situation, you’ll never have to lose out on the Mariangela of your life.

#1: Make contact every day- This doesn’t necessarily have to be a 4-hour phone call. But still take the time to at least send an email or text message letting them know how important they are. Failing to constantly check in with your mate will leave them feeling abandoned, which undermines the whole point of even trying the relationship in the first place.
#2: Plan to see each other regularly- There’s a certain psychology behind having something to look forward to. So plan regular trips to see each other during your time apart. Those special moments will energize the relationship, giving you more resolve than the time I had to convince my grandmother that Michael and Letoya Jackson were two different people.

#3: Make the relationship a priority- I know you’ve been waiting for months to audition for the stageplay version of “Who’s the Boss” at your community theater — and I wish you luck on that. But you can’t place trivial matters before your relationship. When you’re hundreds or even thousands of mile apart, it becomes increasingly important for you to make your significant other feel as if they’re still a major part of your life. So don’t cancel a planned phone call or scheduled visit for things that you could honestly do without.

#4: Trust your partner- Nothing spells failure faster than going into a long-distance relationship with no sense of trust. If you can’t trust your mate’s ability to remain faithful while in another city, then why bother? You know, this whole notion reminds me of the time I refused to let Condoleezza Rice borrow my comb. I knew up front that I couldn’t trust her to do the right thing, so I told her no. And if you can’t commit to trusting them (or yourself) then don’t waste your time or theirs.

#5: Make plans for the future- There’s nothing worse than engaging in a long-distance relationship with no true game plan established for when you’ll actually be together again. That’s like working a job without your boss giving you a clear cut answer on when you’ll get paid. (”You’ll get your check one of these days buddy…just hang on in there.”) If it’s a year, then say it. If it’s going to be two years apart, then make that known. That way both sides will know what they’re committing to up front.

The Fly Guy Moral: As you’ve sifted through the information I’ve provided today, understand that there’s no clear cut method to approaching such an enormous commitment. No matter how the two of you plan to approach it, just know that it’s going to take a lot of work, as well as a lot of patience and flexibility. But if you really want to keep the relationship alive, then you’ll figure out a way to make it work. Good luck.

Friday, November 21, 2008

WTF is wrong with people

A mentally disturbed woman in Korea started getting plastic surgery at 28 and got addicted to it. After numerous surgeries her face became disfigured and doctors refused to operate on her anymore. She somehow convinced ($$$$) a doctor to give her silicone injections and obtained a syringe from him to do it herself. When she ran out of the silicone she started to inject herself...with cooking oil (wtf!).

This is what she looked like before all of her surgeries:...
And this is what she looked like after:

I'll never understand why people who have absolutely nothing wrong with themselves can't see it and will mess up their bodies in the pursuit of...?! Anywho if interested the full article is here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


another oldie but goodie, I try to stay focused on a lot of these...

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

3. Follow the three Rs: Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions.

4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

8. Spend some time alone every day.

9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.

10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.

12. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.

13. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.

14. Be gentle with the earth.

15. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.

16. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

17. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

18. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How to be his freak pt 1

There is nothing like finding a lady in the streets and a freak in the bed. (found mines sorry if that was TMI) I think most men want our woman to be our own private freak. In this blog you’ll find 3 ways to prove your freakiness to your man.

What Does Everybody Want?

  • Head!!! In 2008 you have to give head. So go down on your man, and not just regular head, do it some place he’ll never expect it, like in the mall or in the parking lot of your favorite restaurant. Being spontaneous is a perfect way to make sure a relationship doesn’t become boring and dull. Now, fellas there is no reason what so ever that you shouldn’t eat in return.
Whatever You Like

  • Now you’re perfect man might ask for you to do some outlandish stuff like the R-Kelly Thundercat Joust Match. [That's when you go into the bathroom and take a leak and right after you're done he runs into you at full speed and shoves his Peter inside of you while screaming HOOOOOOOOO!!!!] But don’t be afraid to try new things. Men like to do things we see in the flicks. So if it’s not too off the wall try it. Adult video stores are a perfect place to find new moves, positions and movies to spice up your bed room life.
My Pony

  • Learn how to ride a dude properly, I can’t stress the importance of this position enough. Ladies, y’all get on top of us and don’t move, or move in a way that is not pleasurable to us. If we got on top of you and poked around in a unorthodox way we will not get a call back. So learn how to ride. A good up and down motion is key, making sure you’re wet enough, and he’s hard enough to maintain the proper atmosphere of the ride. I’ll be posting a guide to riding in the near future, until then rent some

Monday, November 17, 2008

9 After Sex Personalities

There is an old quote stating “When I’m hard I’m soft and when I’m soft I’m hard.” Think about that for a moment. It’s no doubt that having sex will change things, for one females are emotional beings and males are… well men. But, do you actually know about your lover’s after sex personality? Do you know your after sex personality? Here are a few to be on the lookout for.

  • The Sleeper - These are the people who fall right asleep after sex. The difference between you putting your lover to sleep and “The Sleeper” is that a sleeper will not move, there is no removing the condom, no getting up to wash up, nothing. Just rolling over and falling right to sleep.
  • The Germaphobe - This is the person who washes, change the sheets and puts on new clothes right after sex. There is no down time to recovery time, or anything else. They go from sex to cleaning, good thing is neither one of you would have to lay in the wet spot.
  • The Smoker - The smoker must light up a cigarette or finish off the roach after sex. Smoking after sex can be a great, way to connect with your lover. If you’re sleeping with a smoker, nothing turns them on then saying “Let me light that” right before they smoke their after sex cigarette.
  • The Talker - This person wants to hold long drawn out discussions after sex, they might stay on topic and talk about what just went down, or they might go totally left field and start talking about the person at work they can’t stand.
  • The Don’t Toucher - This is the person who simply doesn’t want to be touched after sex. This person can be male or female and after sex, they want you to leave or just simply not to touch them. There will be no touching, no cuddling or anything that involves skin on skin.
  • The Go Homer - Not to be confused with The Don’t Toucher, this is the person who wants to go home immediately after sex. Some think they are just in it for the sex, others think they just want to go home. Either way they won’t be at your house for long.
  • The Cuddler - This is the person who wants to cuddle up and lay on their lover. They simply want to enjoy the moment. There are also different type of cuddlers there’s the spooner, the lay on the chester, and the stay insider.
  • The Sh*t Talker - This is the person who likes to crack jokes about the events that just took place. They say thinks like “Ha! you were screaming louder than the chick in Saw V!” or “Is your head okay? I didn’t mean to make you crack it against the headboard”
  • The Analyzer - This is the person who suddenly wants to start analyzing the relationship. They say things like “What am I to you”, “What was this” or even worst “Do you love me?” 45 minutes of bumping uglies does not mean anything has changed. It is what it was when we started, questioning might change things.

What other types of personalities have you seen after sex?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sooner or Later: That is the question?

I ran across an article in the USA Today talking about what the best age is to get married. It discusses pros and cons of getting married early vs. getting married later and cites several studies. The avg. age that men and women get married at has been rising for decades Here is an excerpt from the article:

"Others are also holding off while maintaining a single-but-together status that can last years. That may be one reason the age at first marriage has been climbing steadily for all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups. The median age is now the oldest since the U.S. Census started keeping track in the 1890s: almost 26 for women and almost 28 for men.

And as young people wait longer to marry, there is growing debate over whether waiting is a good idea, and if so, how long is best. Those who advocate marriage in the early to mid-20s say that’s the age when the pool of possible mates is larger, it’s when couples can “grow up” together and it’s prime for childbearing. But others favor the late 20s or early 30s, saying maturity makes for happier unions and greater economic security — both of which make divorce less likely."

If single, at what age, if any, do you hope you’ll marry and why then? If married, how old were you when you wed and do you think you were too young, too old? How many years should two people know each other before marrying?